Names of people, property and premises in 1833 Rates Book
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1833 Owner-occupier- Premises- Rent

William Bragge -James Couzens- Common Close- £3

George Biddlecombe- Samuel Aplin- House and shop- £26

Bailey & Schalch- James Powell- Coombe Farm- £100

Compton Esq.- Charles Fry- Charmouth Meadows- £42

Mrs. Craze- James Cozens- Yandovers- £28

Samuel Culverwell- Culverwell Stile- Meadow rented with Double and Single Common- £6

Dr. Graves- William Burnard- Wesley's Close- £9

Mr. Kesterman- Mr. Burnard- Pear Close- £6

Ann Liddon- James Powell- Sea Lands- £ 45

John Love- Robert Mills- George Inn- £52

Rubrick & Chick- John Love- Foxley Lands- £50

Rubrick & Chick- John Love- Turks Meadow- £20

Joseph Wilson- West & Biles- Two Hill Plots- £1-10

1838 Owner-occupier- Premises- Rent

Mr. Graves- Dr Graves- the Lears- £61

Mrs. Liddon?- James Powell -Overland Farm £45

Mary Rickard -Smith Edward & Henry- Hurles Croft £6

Mrs. Knight- Samuel Dunn- House & Garden £18

G. Biddlecombe- Denning- House & Shop- £26

1839 Owner-occupier- Premises- Rent

Late Darby- Josph Cozens- Darbys Land- £58

Rev. Hatherall- Richard Denning- School House- £9-10

J.C. Culverwell-Thomas Ginger- Marbles Cliff- £12

Charmouth Poor- Farmer  Hill- Farrs Orchard- £5

Bishop of Llandaff- Thomas Wilment -Lilly Farm- £76

1840 Owner-occupier- Premises- Rent

Mary Rickard- William Burnard- Thomas's Plot- £5-11-1

Samuel Dunn- Self- House and shop- £15

Phillip Schalch- James  Powell- Farm House & Lands- £35

1841 Owner-occupier- Premises- Rent

Rev. Hatherall-Thomas Richards- School House- £4- 15-0

J. C. Culverwell- George Thomas- sea side field

Beavis Joseph Cozens Stile- Mead

Mary Richard- Henry Smith- Hurles Croft- £7-4-10

Miss Shile-s Void Poor House- Lyme Roas- £12

John Binsteed -John Binstead- Red Lion Inn- £12

Gundry- Mr. Foss- Mail Coach Inn in the Market Place